1 Error code = 0x%1!x! 2 Failed to open the setup key of MTS <%1>! 6 Failed to write value '%1' to answer file <%2>! 10 Failed to clear the section [%1] in answer file <%2>! 15 Process attach. 16 Process detach. 17 Failed to call '%1'! 19 Failed to run command '%1'! 20 Failed to find the file <%1>! 22 Microsoft Corporation 23 1-800-936-3500. (USA Only) 24 http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=support&olcid=OLCID&clcid=CLCID 25 Please contact Microsoft Technical Support for assistance with this problem.\n 26 Microsoft Transaction Server 27 Setup was unable to initialize COM. 28 Setup was unable to find the folder for the Win9x menu items. 29 Transaction Server Explorer 30 Setup 31 Help 32 Readme 33 Bank Client 34 Hockey 35 Tic-Tac-Toe Client 36 Microsoft Transaction Server 37 Microsoft Personal Web Server 38 Setup was unable to create the event that signals the main application that it is still alive. 39 Setup was unable to set the local computer's transaction timeout, error was 0x%1!x! 40 Warning: could not delete file %1 41 Internet Explorer\Personal Web Server 42 Windows NT Option Pack\Personal Web Server 43 Accessories\Internet Tools\Personal Web Server 44 Personal Web Server